Monday, December 10, 2007

Swoosh, Part Deux

I am ecstatic after my conversation with Dr. Feelgood today. I had to stalk him a little bit because the receptionist did not want to connect me. In fact, she told me that I may have to come back in for a consultation to get my questions answered. I politely explained to her that he suggested we communicate via email; however, I was still waiting to hear back from him.

I actually had two questions. One was about the importance of CMV status when choosing a donor and the other was about my uterus.

After putting me on hold for several minutes—several times--she told me to wait one more minute. Tic, toc…tick toc. Then, I found myself on the phone with Dr. Feelgood. I made some pleasantries and then asked him to clarify his thoughts on my uterus. At first, he didn’t remember our last conversation or my exam, so I had to walk him through the “no pain, no gain’ exam, his drawing of my distorted uterus, and his statement about how he did not know what it all meant.

“Did I really say that”, he said.

“Ummm, yeah! Well, anyway, I’m wondering if you think that the distortion will affect my ability to get pregnant?”


Drum roll please…

"Um, no I don’t think so, I don’t think it will have an effect but of course it is hard to say for certain."


I think that is the best I can hope for. And, even though this is excellent news, it pains me a little to admit Nadia that was right.

So, it's official! I will start the hampster wheel, TTC, eggdropdrama, injectible cycle again at the end of this month.

Thank you, Jesus!


Anonymous said...

yay!!! congratulations, so glad to hear good news!! Can I ask what the answer was about CMV (i am CMV negative and it has been the biggest worry in my pregnant life)

heres hoping a healthy little bubba will stick to your now clean and healthy uterus and that the unusual shape suits it perfectly!

None said...

So glad you pushed for and got some clarification and feel reassured.

Bring on the next cycle.