Thursday, February 7, 2008

Tougher Than Tina Cycle Goes Bust!

So my third injectible cycle didn't work. I am very upset. I am going to skip this cycle and try to get myself together. At the end of the month I will meet with my doctor to discuss my options.


R said...

I'm sorry. I hate AF. :( Breaks are nice!

None said...

I am so sorry. I am glad you are taking a cycle off if you need to. I hope the break helps at least somewhat.

So sorry.

Lo said...

That sucks. I will be a lady and not curse on your blog. But it really, really sucks.

Wishing you peace and strength!!

Anonymous said...

Oh no. I'm so sorry.

Anonymous said...

oh honey. I am so so sorry.

Anonymous said...

I am so so sorry. I am glad that you are taking a break to regroup. Big hug.

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry. so so sorry. wishing you much strength and peace. you are incredibly resiliant and i look up to you so much.

so sorry.


sara said...

ugghh-- I'm sorry to hear this. Be really good to yourself. I'm sending lots of love your way--

Anonymous said...

so sorry.
look after yourself, spoil yourself.

it will happen.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the bad news. That is NOT fair. Sending you good thoughts of peace.

Melissa said...

I'm so very sorry. It's completely unfair!

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear the news. I hope that a cycle off helps things.

Anonymous said...

very belated sorry and it sucks. hope the doctor visit goes well