Thursday, June 26, 2008

As Legend Would Have It

I used to collect dolls when I was a child so for those who know me, it will come as no surprise that I've added some fertility dolls to my collection. Technically, only two of them are fertility dolls but I've thrown in a baby bump accessorized Barbie for the heck of it.

The first was a gift from my dear friend, Dr. Prescience. She gave me a Ghanaian Akuaba doll for my 37th birthday, which was right around the time I started this blog and the journey. Thanks, Dr. P.

According to a West African legend, Akua was unable to bear children and a wise man told her to make a wooden doll, carry it on her back, and treat it as her own child. The villagers made fun of her and she endured a lot of hardship but after a while Akua became pregnant and gave birth to a beautiful child. Akua ba means child of Akua.

The second doll was a gift from Nadia. Ironically, it is also an Akuaba doll. Nadia ran across this one while researching fertility charms online. She said that she was deeply inspired by the story behind the hand carved doll so she bought it to bring us luck. Nadia felt that given the length and emotional nature of our journey, it would be okay if we had two Akuabas.

Isn't she beautiful?

Being the doll lover that I am, for old times sake, I also purchased a pregnant black Barbie, aka Madge. According to her official Mattel paperwork, Madge is married with one son and she has another baby on the way. Hence the baby bump. Can you see it in this photo?

In this country, we don't have lucky charms for fertility. In fact, as we know, fertility is a taboo subject. For the most part those of us who are tyring to conceive feel ashamed about our lack of success. It's a shameful secret, though that is s-l-o-w-l-y changing thanks to all of you. I love the repro-blogosphere because I can share my thoughts and feelings (as random as they are), read about other TTC journeys and feel not only as if I am heard and supported, but that I am part of a community of kick-arse women. Thanks, gals!

But I want to confess that also love my dolls. Just like when I was a child, they give me comfort and help me pull myself together. They inspire me, particularly the two Akuaba's. There they stand near my bedside waiting along with me until I can get back on the TTC hamster wheel. I generally don't believe in fairly tales, legends, or myths but I'm counting on my Akuabas to bring me luck in the fall.

I just hope they don't bring me twins. If they do, Nadia will kill me.


Lo said...

I LOVE your dolls. What a marvelous collection.

Lizzie said...

I have an Akuba doll from my time in Africa, given to me by friends. I cherish it. But now I want a preggers Barbie! Seriously awesome.

Anonymous said...

During this journey I have collected a lot of good luck "charms" too-- and some of them are dolls. I completely get it.

mulberry said...

I like the akuba dolls... i want to get one for us... it would be nice to have one in the house to celebrate my gals caribbean roots and get some help from the ancestors :)

thanks again for your comment to our new blog! if you have a moment, we would love you and nadia's thoughts on our newest post/dilemma. as you know, we are fairly new to all this and are just joining this fabulous online community.

ps - we are expecting our first delivery of fertility meds this weekend and your picture of your UPS pal will help me recognize him ;)

Anonymous said...

You have a beautiful collection of dolls. I love them!

giggleblue said...

we got a akuba doll as a wedding gift. it was in our spare bedroom. we moved it into our bedroom about a month ago...