Thursday, November 29, 2007

A Thousand Kisses, Birth Day, and More!

I feel off the wagon pretty hard last week, it was completely by accident (I just unexpectedly wasn’t near a computer post-turkey day) but I have to admit once I got over my initial guilt about missing one day of National Blog Posters Month, I felt pretty good. I enjoyed my freedom this past week. I guess what I discovered by accident is that I needed a little break.

And a thousand kisses to those of you who write to inquire about how I am. This blog world means so much to me.

The break itself was helpful because it allowed me to stop writing about the TTC I think I felt pressure to write stuff, even if I really had nothing important to say. And then, of course, I started to stupidly believe that it would determine if I would be a good parent or not. Thank God I fell down the rabbit whole last week and was able to come to my senses.

Now just because I stopped writing doesn’t mean that my TTC obsession went away. It is quite the contrary. In the past few days, I have spent countless hours watching Birth Day on the Discovery Health Channel. It’s quite addictive. I highly recommend it if you are recovery from surgery.

In other news, Nadia and I have attended some adoptive parenting classes. As a break from the TTC, we are checking out various adoptive agencies in the city to see which ones are queer friendly. Any advice from who know would be helpful. She would like to adopt an older child (above 10 years of age) and I am undecided, quite frankly. We are not planning to adopt for at least a couple of years, so this is just an information gathering stage. Hopefully, it will lead to hours and hours of fruitful discussion.

Ah, the joys of marriage.

Next week I will have my second (very painful) saline sonogram to see if there I have any scarring on my uterus from the surgery.

And, I will, of course, keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

I'd love to hear more about your adoption info gathering.

Keri said...

Glad your still blogging. :)

Anonymous said...

so glad for an update!


Anonymous said...

Good to hear your news. Hope the sonogram thing is swift and surprisingly painless.

None said...

Hope the sonohysto-thing isn't too bad.

Glad to have an update on how you're doing.

I know of a couple of adoption agencies that are queer friendly, but I'm not sure if they place older kids. Let me know if you want the names.